What is Container House

What is Container House

When we hear the word container, a lorry-like vehicle image comes to our mind which carries the shipping containers to the relevant destination. A container has a certain scale where a living space can easily accommodate.

The container house concept came from that idea.A container is 20 to 40 feet long and 8 feet in width and 8 feet in height. So it has decent dimensions to accommodate a living.


Why use a container house?

Container houses have versatile techniques of usability.They have some unique interlocking ability to fit any tiny sites according to the occupants’ need.Also It has a nice modular mechanism to make large scale structures.


Container houses are largely used to reduce cost and time of construction and having some extra functional facilities.It has a built structure that saves time to build a ‘space’ separately so we can think about something new and innovative modular space apart from that particular space.


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Shipping containers are built to be stable in high columns and to carry a huge loads and to survive in difficult environments. These unique ready features gives an extra benefit to use for building a container house.


Container house construction is less expensive than conventional construction,because metal fabrication and welding need specialized labor which usually increases construction costs. Unlike wood-frame construction, attachments must be welded or drilled to the outer skin, which is more time-consuming, and requires different job site equipment.


Container houses require less construction materials then traditional ones like brick and concrete.That reduces a much more cost then usual techniques.




It is an obvious issue that the steel of a container usually gain a huge amount of heat as well as cold which needs to be controlled and considered during design and construction.the most of the cost consumed by the insulation process and the materials.


Humidity is another issue for the steel containers.The steel surface become moist due to humidity that causes rust in steel which is a cause of damage of the steel.So should be sealed and isolated from the moist environment both internally and externally.




During service, containers may have some damage issues by handling collisions, friction and the force of overhead heavy load while ship transits.



Although the disadvantages there are lot more positive things to construct container house in long run.It has a sustainable character that is considered over these disadvantages.

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