Why do we have different types of houses : 5 Best Reasons(2024)

Why do we have different types of houses

Why do we have different types of houses ? To get the answer of this question we have to look at ourselves and ask ‘do we have the same taste in every aspect of our life that matches every human?’- the answer is definitely ‘NO’. And here is the explanation hidden for the answer of the title question. As human beings we all are individuals in terms of personal, social, economical and cultural. The socio-cultural behavior, especially, is far different from east to west and north to south of the globe.

There are several reasons behind the houses being different types, i.e Socio-cultural behavior, climate, economic situation,Material Character, Construction Systems.


5 best reasons,Why do we have different types of houses


Socio-cultural behavior: People live in different types of societies and culture. A society forms depending on its cultural aspects such as how they behave, what their main foods are, what is their language, how they dress, what they believe in etc.If these aspects matches some people, they forms a society and as society they have a particular character and that character mostly influence their houses that may vary from one society to another.If we take Japanese culture as an example, there traditional houses reflects there unique culture.


Climate :  The types of houses depend on climate in different countries.A house in a Hot-Dry country is totally opposite in a Cold country. But in Warm-Humid climate the house may need a composit design to protect from humidity,sun, warmth and cold. For example, The houses in south indian territory are mostly pitched roof houses where the loft space is used as a buffer to reduce extreme heat or cold of internal space.A courtyard to serve controlled ventilation to all spaces of the house and a veranda around the house to isolate the internal space from rain storms.


As we can see the houses in United kingdom have some unique features and form, like insulated walls, roofs, small windows etc to protect the harsh cold climate while Houses in Bangladesh has to be more open and wide to ensure cool environment in to the interior.


Economic Situation: The economic condition of a society plays another vital role to influence the types of houses. The house of moderate income people may not have any costly materials, ornamentation or decoration that impacts on aesthetic but have nice functional solutions according to the family need.


The house type of high income society includes a lot of ornamental or aesthetic elements beyond the functional needs. This is because there are a lot of materials in the markets that shows extreme luxury and price while other materials shows moderate price by fulfill the basic need.


Material Character: The house types are mostly influenced according to the availability of local construction materials. The type of brick house is definitely different from a concrete house. Because the concrete can be formed in any shape that we want but the brick has some formal limitations.If we go for wood then it has a character that makes a house in another type.The steel has an unique Character that makes another house type.


Construction Systems: As mentioned above, materials have unique character, they also have unique construction systems that influence to have different types of houses. For brick construction there is a limitation to extend a building vertically.So the brick is generally used for small scaled houses that appear as a type. For concrete and steel structure it can be built a large scale house both vertically and horizontally.So this composite system makes a house type.


In essence, We can answer, why we have different types of house because of our different needs,emotions,culture, behavior that is influenced and manipulated by climate,materials and building techniques.

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